What Is A Crypto Index And How Does It Work?

For individuals who lack time tracking the cryptocurrency trend or stay up to speed with the current news, a crypto index fund is the surest and safest method to invest in cryptocurrencies. With more than 1500 cryptocurrencies dominating the market, it is not easy to know the one that is best over the other for investing. Of course, high risks usually generate colossal returns. But what about an instance where you invest more coins that you can manage to lose?

Essentially, a crypto index fund is among the easiest methods that allow you to place your funds in cryptocurrency, even in a situation where you aren’t conversant with the crypto industry. It works just like any other index fund in the market of finance, with the exception that it sticks to digital assets, as opposed to bonds or stocks.

How does the crypto index fund works?

An index fund is simply a record of bonds or stocks similar to a common financial market index. And it is the same principle being applied or followed by the crypto index. Therefore, as opposed to investing directly in crypto coins and several other digital assets, you buy the shares directly using the fund. After which, industry professionals use their data and information, together with their knowledge to invest your crypto index funds in different cryptocurrencies, with regard to the fund’s index.

Investing via a crypto index fund lowers the risks majorly because you have a more spread crypto portfolio as opposed to when you invested on your own. In simple words, your investment is not dependent on your overall performance of a few numbers of coins. As such, you’ll never lose your hard-earned money just because of one wrong move made. This alone is a very cost-effective method of securing your money from the always fluctuating market, where there is not even one cryptocurrency that is known to be a 100% secure investment.

The other key benefit is the fact that the index fund handles all the work. It has the potential to track variables such as capitalization, performance, and price of a wide range of cryptocurrencies to decide the place to send the funds – similar to the popular S&P500 index with stocks.

Therefore, you do not have to stress yourself out whenever you are making yourself. This means that you do not have to put much effort into the management of your coins and track down how your performance is. Each time, you do not have to keep track of risks or any possible returns. This indicates that you do not have to be a wizard when it comes to managing risks. Also, you do not have to worry about coming up with a wallet because every fund has its unique wallet to be used for storing tokens and coins. This saves you the hassle of all this.

A cryptocurrency index fund, therefore, works in offering you long-term benefits with uninvolved investment options rather than daily trades.

Cryptoindex funds

In the past few years, there has been a wide range of crypto index funds in the cryptocurrency market. This ride is brought about by the fact that you are exposed to many risks in your investments and also brings more to your table as time goes by. Here, you will be exposed to these temporary digital assets but on the other hand, you will be spreading risks across different portfolios of cryptocurrency. Below is a list of those common products you will find in the crypto market.

Bitwise asset management- This is the first cryptocurrency index fund that gives more attention to the top 10 coins. It is well known to make some adjustments on what you hold monthly and usually stores its cold assets only on cold storage.

Coinbase index- Considering the weight in market capitalization, this fund can then index up to 7 cryptocurrencies. Whenever you are a new member that wants to join in, you will be needed to invest $250000 to $20 million depending on your budget.

Crypto 20- This cryptocurrency index fund usually uses Ethereum-based C20 tokens at all times. You can check all your transactions on the blockchain.

Iconomi- Here, you can choose from a wide range of investment options. You can either choose to purchase some simple coins or better still invest in any digital portfolio that has many cryptocurrencies and is managed by professionals.

BB index- This is a platform that offers you a whole list of index funds. These may include those that follow the top cryptocurrencies in the cryptocurrency market or better still those that hold any available infrastructure coins.

Pros and cons

Every other investment usually has its pros and cons. Cryptocurrency index funds have their own that includes;


  • You do not have to stress yourself in taking care of your portfolio since it gives a more simplified manner of investing.
  • The algorithm tracks and analyses market data in real making it more convenient to predict your performance.
  • It has a lower level of risks compared to other portfolios


  • Prohibits people to enter because it has some strict rules such as a minimum investment of $250000 whenever you want to join.
  • More costly compared to other methods with higher management fees
  • Has smaller returns most especially in smaller time frames


It takes so much time and effort to start creating a portfolio afresh that could have some higher levels of risk. Cryptocurrency index funds are a more convenient way to invest without much risk involved. With our article above, you will now find it easier to invest your money. This also instills so much knowledge of what these index funds entail.

So, as a beginner, there is nothing to worry much about because it aids you in saving costs incurred while investing and offers you more value. Depending on your needs you can always choose that product that suits your needs in the best manner. You can research the available cryptocurrency index funds and select one that meets your needs since the current market has a wide range of index funds.